Monday, May 2, 2011
THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE THURSDAY AT NOON. Many apologies for not posting on Friday, thus the extra time. You submit your assignment by posting it as a comment below with your name (as it appears on the roll) on it.
1. Watch these clips the British teen drama Skins (it's been broken into parts):
Skins 1.1
Skins 1.2
Skins 1.3
Skins 1.4
Skins 1.5
*pay special attention to the differing roles of males and females on the show*
2. Write a 2-3 paragraph essay addressing ONE of the following topics. If you write a full 5-7 paragraph essay, you will be given a half letter grade boost. Make sure you refer specifically to scenes from the episode.
-On Skins, what do the concerns of the male characters seem to be? What are the consequences for not living up to gender expectations?
-How are females portrayed on the show? Are all female characters expected to behave the same way or are there different expectations for different kinds of women?
-How do visual components of Skins (how characters look, what the camera focuses on, scenery, etc) contribute to your understanding of the gender relationships on the show?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
EXTRA CREDIT: Do Pink Fingernails Make You Gay/Transgender?
![]() |
This ad appeared in the most recent J Crew catalog |
What do you think about this advertisement? Do you think it could do damage to a growing child's sense of gender roles? Are people making a big deal out of nothing? What does the controversy surrounding this advertisement say about us as a culture? For extra credit in the form of a half a letter grade boost to your paper on SU, write THREE WELL-FORMED paragraphs discussing this issue. DUE MONDAY by NOON.
Toys & Gender
What do you think about the idea that there should be no advertising directed at children? Do you think that gendered toys and advertising change children's ideas about what is possible for them professionally? Check out this article about the effect of gendered toys on children's education:
Playing Fair?
Do you think it's possible that the lack of technology, science, and building-based toys effects how girls perform in school? Do you think that boy's toys limit their potential? What would happen if the messages sent to boys and girls via toys and advertising were mixed up? Find out by playing this game:
Gendered Advertising Remixer
What is your intuitive response to mixing up these advertisements? Do you find them ridiculous or enlightening?
As a comment below, write TWO paragraphs about what you think about gendered toys. This comment is DUE at the start time of your next class with me. Please make sure to include your name as it appears on the roll.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
There's a tree down in my hood, and no power. No class today. Review your drafts and presentations.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
MLA Citation
As discussed in class, you will need to know how to use MLA citation. Not just for this class or paper, but generally, for all English papers.
Here is a handbook:
1. Write the citation format for College, The Easy Way as you would cite it in a bibliography.
2. Write the citation format for In Praise of the F Word as you would cite it in a bibliography.
3. Use a quote from either article in a sentence, and use MLA in-text citation format.
YOUR COLLEGE ATTITUDES RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT, whether you are writing a paper or doing a group presentation, is due this week. If you are writing a paper, you must bring your rough draft on Monday/Tuesday, groups you will be practicing. Papers and final projects are due Wednesday/Thursday. There will be no make ups for group presentations. None. No exceptions. If your group tells me that you didn't pull your weight, you will receive an automatic F.
Here is a handbook:
1. Write the citation format for College, The Easy Way as you would cite it in a bibliography.
2. Write the citation format for In Praise of the F Word as you would cite it in a bibliography.
3. Use a quote from either article in a sentence, and use MLA in-text citation format.
YOUR COLLEGE ATTITUDES RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT, whether you are writing a paper or doing a group presentation, is due this week. If you are writing a paper, you must bring your rough draft on Monday/Tuesday, groups you will be practicing. Papers and final projects are due Wednesday/Thursday. There will be no make ups for group presentations. None. No exceptions. If your group tells me that you didn't pull your weight, you will receive an automatic F.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
College: The Easy Way
Read this article in the New York Times:
Respond in one paragraph as a comment. Be prepared to discuss this in class.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
CARTOONS! And race....
Watch these cartoons!
Now, think about the ways that each race is portrayed in each cartoon. Do these cartoons rely on racial stereotypes to create a plotline, humor, or a point? Is this done in a way that is offensive or inoffensive? Why? What do you think about the cartoon's handing of race? Does it confirm ideas/stereotypes you already have of the mannerisms, behavior, or culture of certain races? I am not asking you if you think that either show is an ACCURATE portrayal of anything. I am asking you to look at HOW race is portrayed in each show. If King of the Hill was your only window into "whiteness" and The Boondocks was your only window into "blackness", what would you think of each of these two races? Post a well-written, well-constructed paragraph as a comment below. DUE FRIDAY BY NOON. Your paper assignment will be posted here TOMORROW BY NOON.
Now, think about the ways that each race is portrayed in each cartoon. Do these cartoons rely on racial stereotypes to create a plotline, humor, or a point? Is this done in a way that is offensive or inoffensive? Why? What do you think about the cartoon's handing of race? Does it confirm ideas/stereotypes you already have of the mannerisms, behavior, or culture of certain races? I am not asking you if you think that either show is an ACCURATE portrayal of anything. I am asking you to look at HOW race is portrayed in each show. If King of the Hill was your only window into "whiteness" and The Boondocks was your only window into "blackness", what would you think of each of these two races? Post a well-written, well-constructed paragraph as a comment below. DUE FRIDAY BY NOON. Your paper assignment will be posted here TOMORROW BY NOON.
Race Paper Topic Options
You have a five paragraph essay due next week. Here are your topic options:
1. Describe a scene in the movie Crash. Does it bring a particular social problem or issue to mind? Argue whether it does or does not do a good job of highlighting this issue and why.
2. Discuss the evolution of a character from the movie Crash. How do we see them change from the beginning of the film to the end? Is their personal change meant to be symbolic of a change that would/should/could happen in society?
3. Compare the portrayal of race in King of the Hill and The Boondocks. Is the subject of race more obvious in one than the other? Does one of them rely more heavily on racial stereotyping to make points and jokes? What is the effect of this difference on the audience?
4. Discuss racial stereotyping in either King of the Hill or The Boondocks. How/when is it used? Does the show use racial stereotypes in order to challenge them? Or does it use racial stereotypes as a convenient way to make a point?
5. Discuss an experience that you have had that challenged your personal ideas about race or racial stereotypes. Warning: Although this option is expository, it must still have an argument and be presented in a well-constructed five paragraph format. Because this is the most flexible topic, I will also be grading it the most critically.
Paper Format
Your paper must be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. It must be double-spaced, except the header, which should be single-spaced on the left-hand side of the paper and contain: your name, the date, your course and section number, and my name. You should have a title for your paper and it should be centered. Your last name and the page number should be in the upper right hand corner of each page. This is called MLA format and you can google it if you need to. It looks like this:
Writing a Five Paragraph Essay
If you aren't completely comfortable with your understanding of what a five paragraph essay is, you should check out these links:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Racism VS Racial Stereotyping
As we discussed in class, it can sometimes be difficult to parse out the differences between racism and racial stereotyping. Here are the Wikipedia definitions of each:
Read the Wikipedia entries, think about what we discussed in class, and as a comment below write one paragraph discussing what you think the difference is between racism and racial stereotyping.
Read the Wikipedia entries, think about what we discussed in class, and as a comment below write one paragraph discussing what you think the difference is between racism and racial stereotyping.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Racial Sterotyping
Watch this video and check out this link:
Stuff White People Like
As a comment, post a link to something you've found on the internet that uses racial stereotyping to make a point, a joke, or sell you something. Make sure to include your name as it is listed on the roll. Also check out at least three other links.
*Be careful about your choices. Blonde jokes, for example, aren't really racial stereotyping. I would say that they are more about gender.
Monday, February 14, 2011
CRASH Review
Check out these reviews of the movie we watched in class, Crash:
Which review do you think does the best job of interpreting the film? Why? What did the reviewer get right, and what did they get wrong? What would you add to the review? Post your response as a comment below.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Because it seems like the weather is going to get significantly worse today, our class will not be meeting. In lieu of class, you are required to complete the assignment below.
In class today, we were going to workshop each other’s papers. That means that you would be assigned a partner who’s paper you would read and make corrections on. First, we would have all read ONE paper so that we could come to an agreement about what constitutes good grammar and good writing. Since we can’t meet together, we are doing this all by email, so be careful to follow the instructions. I sent this to the email address that you gave me on the first day, so you are going to need to check that in order to find out who your partner is.
1. First, think about what I will be looking for when I grade you: grammar, organization, structure, thesis statement. My two main concerns are that you write something INTERESTING and that you have a specific point that you back up. Make a short list of things you think you will be graded on.
2. Read this paper, taking into account the grading criteria you listed. There is a hard copy of this paper on the desk in the classroom if you want it. Otherwise, you will need to print it to correct for grammar or use the comments option in word and then print it to bring to class. POST your overall impressions about the paper as a COMMENT. What did this person do well, and what could they do better? Here’s the paper:
My Natural Hair is Better than Your Relaxed Hair
You know those people who seem to change their hair like they change their socks? I’m one of them. I’ve had relaxers, short bobs, henna’d hair, braids, weaves, wigs, texturizers, and pressed styles. Recently, I decided to forgo the chemicals and fake hair and wear my own natural, unaltered hair. Looking at all the females who rock relaxed hair, I can say with righteousness that my natural hair is better than your relaxed hair.
A relaxer is a chemical process that is applied to kinky hair in order to “relax” or straighten it. For those who want to maintain a straight style with relative ease, a relaxer is the go to product. It isn’t without its drawbacks. The chemicals in a relaxer are highly caustic, and are known for causing mild to severe burns if left on exposed skin. Also, because the hair must go through such a drastic change from its original state, relaxed hair is usually much more fragile than natural hair. It is especially susceptible to breakage which hinders any length the wearer may be trying to achieve.
Natural hair is hair that has not been chemically altered. Relatively few females with kinky hair wear their hair in its natural state. It is the healthiest state of hair because it undergoes minimal manipulation. Most females who wear their hair naturally also use organic hair products which nourish their hair and allow it to flourish. Styling natural hair can be time consuming, and finding a hairstylist in Baton Rouge who knows how to do more than either braiding it or straightening it can be a challenge. Regardless, the women who wear their hair in it’s natural state love it, and so do I. It’s healthy, it’s uniquely me, and yes, it’s better than yours.
3. Find your email on the class list (the people this email was sent to). Email your paper to the person who is listed before you. (The first person on the list will email the last person). When you receive your partner’s paper, read it, correct it, and comment on it. Send them back an email with your comments.
4. Based on the comments your partner made, make a list of THREE changes that you will make to your paper before Tuesday in order to improve it. I will be checking these papers on Tuesday to make sure that you have made changes.
Have a great weekend,
Friday, January 28, 2011
My Blank Is Better Than Your Blank
Your first assignment for this class is to write a 3 paragraph argumentative essay about why something you like is better than something else. Use the chart we made in class about choral groups as a guide to make a chart about your topic. We will be using this chart in class on Tuesday to make an outline. In order to prepare, read the following guides about the writing process:
After you have looked through this material, post the most useful thing you learned from it as a comment below. How will these ideas help you become a better writer? Also mention what was not helpful to you.
Remember, the chart will be due in class on Tuesday, the outline will be done in class on Tuesday, and the draft will be due on Thursday. The draft must be double-spaced, in Times New Roman font pt 12, with your name, the date, your course and section, and my name in the upper left hand corner single-spaced.
The Assignment
Think of something that you like and compare it to something that you think that it is superior to. Use facts about your topic, such as statistics, awards, or evidence of popularity to back up your argument that one thing is better than the other. Make sure that you take into account what is good about the other thing without taking away from your argument. Be passionate, but fair. In other words, I don't want an argument structured like My D*ck. (Warning: this link may be offensive to some/all students. Do not click if you are concerned about this, it's not on a test or anything.)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
My School's Chorus Is Better Than Your School's Chorus
Your first essay assignment in class is to write an essay arguing that something you like is better than something else. As we discussed in class, college level writing is about supporting your arguments with FACTS and not opinions. We'll use this comparison of two award-winning school chorus classes to start thinking about how to do this. This is the Oxon Hill High School Chorus from Maryland. Check them out.
This chorus recorded an album at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN, which won them the Stellar Award for Children's Musical Performance in 2010. The choir performs in several languages, including Latin, English, and Swahili. They have performed across the country in cities such as Orlando and Los Angeles. They get calls to perform from as far away as Japan and Africa. You can check out their website.
Now, check out the PS 22 Elementary School Chorus from New York City, NY.
This chorus is scheduled to perform at the 2010 Academy Awards on January 25th. They also performed at the 2010 Webby Awards, at the 2009 White House Tree Lighting Ceremony with Common, and at the window unveiling at Saks Fifth Avenue. They have sung in front of and with numerous other celebrities, including Lady Gaga, Stevie Nicks, Matt Damon, and Queen Latifah. You can check out their blog here.
As a comment, write about which chorus you are more impressed by and why. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR NAME AS IT IS LISTED ON THE CLASS ROSTER. For class, begin thinking about what FACTS you would use to support an argument that one chorus is better than another. You can use your own interpretations of their talent, so long as they are critically expressed and not "I just like this one better". You can also use awards and accolades as proof of superiority. Come to class with a ready opinion.
This chorus recorded an album at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN, which won them the Stellar Award for Children's Musical Performance in 2010. The choir performs in several languages, including Latin, English, and Swahili. They have performed across the country in cities such as Orlando and Los Angeles. They get calls to perform from as far away as Japan and Africa. You can check out their website.
Now, check out the PS 22 Elementary School Chorus from New York City, NY.
This chorus is scheduled to perform at the 2010 Academy Awards on January 25th. They also performed at the 2010 Webby Awards, at the 2009 White House Tree Lighting Ceremony with Common, and at the window unveiling at Saks Fifth Avenue. They have sung in front of and with numerous other celebrities, including Lady Gaga, Stevie Nicks, Matt Damon, and Queen Latifah. You can check out their blog here.
As a comment, write about which chorus you are more impressed by and why. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR NAME AS IT IS LISTED ON THE CLASS ROSTER. For class, begin thinking about what FACTS you would use to support an argument that one chorus is better than another. You can use your own interpretations of their talent, so long as they are critically expressed and not "I just like this one better". You can also use awards and accolades as proof of superiority. Come to class with a ready opinion.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Poke around Found Magazine. Find a letter or photograph that interests you, and copy it down or print it and bring it to class. Start imagining the person who wrote it, who it was written to, or what's going on in the picture. You will use this as a starting point for your first writing assignment. DO NOT FORGET TO BRING 3X5 CARDS TO CLASS.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
2027 Harris Hall
Office hours: T/TR 2-330pm
Office hours: T/TR 2-330pm
You are expected to come to class. Students who do not come to class will not be successful. You can miss 3 classes, excused or unexcused, with no grade penalty. Upon your 4th absence, your grade will be dropped one letter. On your 5th absence, it will be dropped another letter, and so forth. Students who miss 7 or more classes will receive an F.
You are expected to come to class. Students who do not come to class will not be successful. You can miss 3 classes, excused or unexcused, with no grade penalty. Upon your 4th absence, your grade will be dropped one letter. On your 5th absence, it will be dropped another letter, and so forth. Students who miss 7 or more classes will receive an F.
If you miss class, you will need to get the assignments from a classmate. No late work will be accepted.
Class Blog
We will be using a blog for collaborative assignments. This is not optional. The url is based on your course and section number. It will be one of the following:
We will be using a blog for collaborative assignments. This is not optional. The url is based on your course and section number. It will be one of the following:
If you are in my Wednesday class, you will need to check the blog every Tuesday by noon for any assignments or announcements. If you are in my Tuesday/Thursday class, you will need to check the blog every Monday and Wednesday by noon for any announcements. You are responsible for anything announced or assigned on the blog.
Daily Quizzes
There will be a short quiz at the beginning of every class based on readings and previously discussed material. If you are late, you will not be allowed to make up the quiz.
There will be a short quiz at the beginning of every class based on readings and previously discussed material. If you are late, you will not be allowed to make up the quiz.
Major Assignments
There will be an essay due the first week of every month, beginning in February.
There will be an essay due the first week of every month, beginning in February.
Grade Breakdown
Daily Quizzes 20%
Participation 10%
HW, etc. 10%
Essay 1 10%
Essay 2 15%
Essay 3 15%
Essay 4 20%
Participation 10%
HW, etc. 10%
Essay 1 10%
Essay 2 15%
Essay 3 15%
Essay 4 20%
The standard Southern grading scale will be used.
For each class, you will be expected to have paper, a pen or pencil, The Longman Writer, and a 3X5 index card.
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